If you are a Salem County resident 60 years of age and older or a disabled resident under the age of 60, the Salem County Specialized Transportation Service is available to you.

County Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Program can be used to transport you to medical appointments including doctors visits, physical therapy, radiation treatments, dialysis, or laboratory visits. The system can also provide transportation to congregate nutrition sites, social service appointments, and shopping trips.

Service is available to all fifteen municipalities in Salem County with funds received under the Senior and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act (Casino funds).

 The transportation providers will travel within a 50-mile radius of your home. However, there are certain restrictions on service to the Camden, Philadelphia and Wilmington areas.

Please note that 48-hour (2 business days) advance notice is required for all transportation referrals.

To make transportation arrangements, please call (856) 339-8622 or 856-451-1207 ext. 8622. Office staff is available to assist you Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Contributions are voluntary and are returned to the Specialized Transportation Program to help offset costs.  Customers are asked to share the costs of bridge tolls for out-of-county transportation.

A project funded under the Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Assistance Act (Casino Fund), Title XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicaid), Title III of the Older Americans Act and the New Jersey Division of Senior Services.

Office on Aging