Salem County Businesses Invited to Meet with Renowned Experts & Authors at Free Seminar on Establishing Drug-Free Workplace

 (9/2/03) – On Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 8:30 am, the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey will conduct a free seminar on “Establishing or Updating Your Drug-Free Workplace Policies and Procedures” at Davidow Hall on the campus of Salem County Community College in Carney’s Point. The seminar, offered to all Salem County businesses, will provide a comprehensive approach to prevent and resolve issues concerning drug and alcohol use in the workplace, including information on policy development, education for employees, supervisory training, employee assistance for substance abuse problems, and how to implement drug testing procedures. 

“Approximately 70% of substance abusers are currently employed and often work for small and mid-sized businesses without a comprehensive policy in place, costing New Jersey businesses about $1.5 billion each year,” said Bill Lillis, Program Administrator for the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey. “Our goal is to assist business owners Salem County prevent drug and alcohol abuse before it becomes a problem.”

Speaking at the seminar will be attorney and author David G. Evans. Mr. Evans advises employers in the areas of drug and alcohol testing and employment laws. He has an active governmental affairs practice, advising employers on legislative and regulatory matters.  Mr. Evans has conducted staff training courses, testified on drug testing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee and represented laboratories before the U.S. Supreme Court, preparing an amicus brief that upheld federal railway and drug testing regulations.  Included in his presentation will be information on what employers need to do to be in compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Also speaking will be Dr. James A. Barnshaw, M.D. Dr. Barnshaw currently serves as FirstLab’s Chief Medical Review Officer for all the in-house MRO activity for various government and defense contractors, Fortune 500 companies and airline consortia.

All attending the seminar will receive a free “Drug-Free Workplace Kit.” Registration begins at 8:30 am and a continental breakfast will be served. Space is limited. To register for the seminar, please contact the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey at (201) 798-7171 or

The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey (PDFNJ) was created in 1992 with a mission to reduce the incidence of substance abuse throughout New Jersey.  PDFNJ continues to serve as an anti-drug alliance to localize, strengthen and deepen drug and alcohol abuse prevention media efforts in our state. PDFNJ also offers school-based programs, drug-free workplace assistance, and parent education training. All PDFNJ programs are available free of charge to the residents of New Jersey. 
