Three Cheers to Larry Seitz
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Photo courtesy Today's Sunbeam

The Salem County Board of Chosen Freeholders awarded its first "Three Cheers" plaque to Carneys Point postal carrier Larry Seitz during a surprise presentation on Feb. 23, 2000 during the Sharptown United Methodist Church Youth Group meeting.  Seitz is a youth group leader.  He was honored for the exceptional compassion and concern that he demonstrates daily for the safety and welfare of the patrons along his U.S. Postal Carrier Route in Carneys Point, and most recently, for saving the life of an elderly patron.

While delivering mail along his route, Seitz noticed that an elderly man who lives alone, had not retrieved his mail for several days.   Seitz persisted in knocking on the door and calling the man's name to see if he was home.  Finally, Seitz heard the man's faint voice.  He had fallen several days earlier and could not reach the phone to summon help.  Seitz, entering through a door that was ajar, called 911 and stayed with the man until he was taken to the hospital.   He was treated for dehydration and fractures and later transferred to a local nursing home.

The award was presented by Freeholder Director C. David Sparks, Jr. and Freeholder Ben Simmermon in front of 50+ children and adults.

Updated 4/27/2001
